Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland
The Geological Society of Finland, founded in 1886, began its publishing activities in 1929. Volumes 1–39 were entitled ”Comptes Rendus de la Société Géologique de Finlande” and appeared as a double edition with the ”Bulletin de la Commission géologique de Finlande” (former Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin). Since 1968, from volume 40 onwards, the Society´s serial publication has borne the title ”Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland”. Non-Finnish authors have also participated almost from the beginning of the series.
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland (BGSF) publishes research articles and short communications in all branches of geosciences. Contributions from outside Finland are welcome, provided that they contain material relevant to Finnish geology or are of general interest for our readership.
The Bulletin is indexed in the ISI® Science Citation Index, GeoRef, Scopus, Mineralogical Abstracts, GeoAbstracts (Elsevier), Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) and Directory of open access journals (DOAJ).
Impact Factor 2023: 1.3
5-year Impact Factor 2023: 0.9
(Source: ISI Journal Citation Reports)
Open access policy
The Geological Society of Finland strongly advocates open-access online publishing of the Bulletin. Authors are allowed to archive their submitted/accepted/published articles in open access repositories and on their personal or institution's webpages. This, and any second-hand use of text/figures/tables/data should be accompanied by an adequate bibliographic citation (including authors, year, title, journal, volume, issue, and page numbers where applicable) to the original article. We do not collect article processing charges.
All published content of BGSF is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License